- Vertex streams confuse me how do they work? 顶点流数据让我觉得有些糊涂,它们是怎么工作的?
- What are matrices and how do they work? 矩阵是什么和它们怎样工作?
- Sugar Substitutes What Are They and How Do They Work? 糖替代品是什么,它们是怎么发挥作用的?
- Pharmaceutical Reference Prices How do They Work in Practice? 药物参考价格实际中他们如何起作用?
- What is a seismometer? What are seismographs? How do they work? 问:地震检波器是什么?地震记录仪又是什么?它们是怎么工作的?
- How much does it cost to purchase a Team Charter? How do they work? 购买一个队伍契约需要多少钱?怎么使用?
- Have you seen those new vacuum cleaners that don't need a bag? How do they work? 你见过不要过滤器的新型真空吸尘器吗?它们是怎样工作的呢?
- How do they work? People are often asked to participate in a chain letter guaranteed to earn them millions with one small investment. 骗子经常向人保证只要寄出连锁信并作出少量投资,就可赚取数以百万计的回报。
- How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
- How do they all cram into that doll's house? 那小小的房子怎麽挤得下他们大家呢?
- How did they react to your suggestion? 他们对你的建议有什么反应?
- How do they pack so many people here? 怎么能容纳这么多人呢?
- How do they view the situation in the Middle East? 他们对中东形势怎样看?
- How do they (and how can you) get others to follow? 又是如何使其他人追随他们呢?
- Do you have any friends in U.A.E? / Where do they work? 你在阿联酋有没有朋友?他们在哪工作?
- How do they go to deuce every time? 为何每次都打成平手。
- How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage)? 他们(区区这点工资)怎样餬口?
- Strenuously did they work day and night. 他们真是日夜艰辛地工作。
- How do they all craminto that doll's house? 那小小的房子怎麽挤得下他们大家呢?
- How do they come up with ideas for new inventions? 他们如何产生能带来新发明的想法?